The Power Of Anticipation



  1. the act of anticipating or the state of being anticipated.
  2. realization in advance; foretaste.
  3. expectation or hope.
  4. previous notion; slight previous impression.
  5. intuition, foreknowledge, or prescience.


Note that the presence of the term "expectation" is very minimal in the list above.

In a previous post I have explored momentum as the "state-to-be" but in regard to momentum, anticipation is the next important step.

I think a perfect cycle went like this: creating, presentation, momentum, reward...and then anticipation.
If the cycle repeats, you have done something right, if more clients jump on the wheel, you have done something even better.

If you know that anticipation comes at the end, you know you have to do something in advance, sounds logical? I think it helps that anticipation is the key here, not the reward.
I believe that is where the saying of Satchel Paige comes into play: "Work like you don't need the money..." and add "...instead work for the anticipation as reward", to turn the saying into a working affirmation.

Usually when working for clients, people mistake pure expectation for anticipation and the difference is fatal.
I think the "just-right-clients" are always anticipating and it depends on the artist if they fulfill the clients desire.
But if you think you have to deal with expectations, this brings just pressure into the game and unless you need that to deliver, it often bears bad results.

Try to understand the following examples in order to get the importance of anticipation, regardless if you do mistake these words in your own dealings, but when you mistake them on your own, it is most likely you allege others to think the same.

The following examples shows the difference between expectation and anticipation quite good:

1.) The expectation scenario :
A movie maker who focuses on expectations has to deal with a producer who expect that the movie is a hit, expects that the number of visitors are pleasing to the producer who has the expectation that the bank who expect the movie to get a hit, expect that the number of visitors justify the amount of credit the filmmaker need.

Pretty bad huh?

1.1) The anticipation scenario :
A movie maker works hard to create momentum to an existing audience, allows for a viral marketing ( word of mouth) of its own. A savvy producer get the filmmaker under his radar because of regularly word of mouth and repeated respectable recommendations. The producer does contract the filmmaker and anticipates a great outcome if the filmmaker just does what he can do best for the goal he has in mind and acquires a credit from the bank which anticipate that the movie will be a hit, because the producer himself is a recommended person.

Now the question, what scenario do you think can be applied to Tim Burton or let´s say Quentin Tarantino?

Pretty right, even without knowing how exactly it works, you can guess that great filmmaker rarely work with expectations, because it is limiting. Instead working in an "anticipation-environment" makes work 100% more creative, fun and engaging.

The reason I made the filmmaker comparison was a "making-of" from the movie "Lion King", which I saw a few weeks ago; there they mentioned the team was working on Pocahontas and Lion King at the same time and everyone expected Pocahontas to be quite the hit.
While Lion King was expected to be "experimental" and therefore allowed for an absolute perfect "anticipation" scenario, the outcome was that Lion King won 2 Oscars. Another 25 wins & 22 nominations while Pocahontas won 2 Oscars. Another 13 wins & 5 nominations according to imdb. Not the big difference, but clear numbers for anyone at the company to see.

Peer pressure is another bad circumstance for any creation or creative business, instead changing peer pressure to anticipation and be it just in our mind, increases pretty great outcomes and allows for time, which results in less stress, which results in a better health.

Pretty easy, right?

Now have fun anticipating!
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Oliver aka Fantasio is a creative blogger who likes to share his insights about art, marketing and social media. Follow Fantasio on twitter or facebook


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