Skullified Fictional Characters are a part of a new series called Skull:z: & Idols.
For this series I work in different tools, such as Sculptris for Sculpting the models, rendering in blender and Photoshop CS6 for the postwork and digital painting by using a Wacom Cintiq 13HD & Wacom Intuos 4 tablet.
The series is a long-term tribute, an approach to combine caricature, fan art, graphic design and pop art at the same time. This is what Iconography means to me and stands for on the cover of this book. I won´t recreate what has been done 1000 times before, but give my ideas room for expression. Skulls are timeless, fascinating and therefore perfect subjects for this revolutionary portraiture series.
Skullified portrait of Batman |
Skullified portrait of Captain America |
Skullified portrait of Hellboy |
Skullified portrait of Mickey the Mouse |
Skullified portrait of Homer Simpson |
Skullified portrait of Hulk |
Skullified portrait of Ironman |
Skullified portrait of Judge Dredd |
Skullified celebrities are a part of a new series called Skull:z: & Idols.
For this series I work in different tools, such as Sculptris for Sculpting the models, rendering in blender and Photoshop for the postwork.
Skull:z: & Idols is an Iconography-series of popular personalities, this concept explores the relationship between success and superficialities.
“When facing death we all become equal”
Skullified portrait of H.R. Giger |
Skullified portrait of Gaga |
Skullified portrait of Heino |
Skullified portrait of Abraham Lincoln |
Skullified portrait of Andy Warhol |
Nice post !!